My angle dims are e.g. 1.69 deg, I need to see 1.697 deg
what settings do I need to alter please
I only need my linear dimensions as 1.23mm , as they are currently displaying.
If it means these will also go to three decimal places then thats livable with.
I have for units:-
absolute tolerance 0.01 units
Relative tolerance 1.0 percent
Angle tolerance 1.0 degrees
Distance Display Decimal
Display Precision 1.000
and for Page Units:-
Page units millimetres
Absolute tolerance 0.001 units
Relative tolerance 1.0 percent
Angle tolerance 1.0 degrees
Distance display Decimal
Display Precision 1.000
Just wondering whats the difference between those as reading the help I cant quite get my head around it.
Is it that Units is the accuracy to which the build occurs whilst page units is the display of the dimensions data ?
Display precision in units section being what you see in the readout panels when constructing, and Page Units display precision is what the dimension lines like my angle one with its arrows etc displays ?
with both set to 1.000 display precision I cant see why I cant get 1.695 deg
I do a test, rotate something vertical by e.g. 7.234 deg and apply the angle dimension and it reads 7.23 deg
Hi Pascal, I dont see anything at that address.
I go File Properties, this gives me DocumentProperties and there despite clicking on every + in the tree, there is no Annotation.
I am on V4 despite buying V5 as I am against the clock on a job and havent the time to try and bring in the settings prefs etc from V4, real shame, familiar territory etc plus glitches…as Rhino havent made this import of user prefs easy. see separate post on this. Wish the install had an import for such !
angle precision, found it, was set to 1.00, its specific to the custom dimensions we can make. Not influenecd by page units and units.
I am still non the wiser on:-
Just wondering whats the difference between those as reading the help I cant quite get my head around it.
Is it that Units is the accuracy to which the build occurs whilst page units is the display of the dimensions data ?
Display precision in units section being what you see in the readout panels when constructing, and Page Units display precision is what the dimension lines like my angle one with its arrows etc displays ?