Weaverbird Thicken - One Face in the Wrong Direction

I’ve got a weird behaviour with Weaverbird’s Mesh Thicken. It thickens one face in the wrong direction.

I’m trying to create a sort of spherical grenade…

You can see one of the triangular faces has been thickened towards the centre of the mesh instead of outwards.

EMOJI.gh (14.7 KB)

Any better ways of doing this would be welcome, or a fix for this bug(?)

Hey @martynjhogg, quick question: Does this still happen with normals unified? I see you have the component there but it’s not connected. I have dealt with this before where unifying the normals + welding the vertices (instead of combine&clean) fixes issues like this one. Alternatively, ‘forcing’ the face offsets outward (by working with the original mesh’s face boundaries), lofting edges, and simple-meshing + joining/welding all faces at the end could be a way.

Welding didn’t work. normally Combine&Clean works for me.
I’ll try lofting the edges!

Kangaroo’s Face-Face Offset worked!
EMOJI.gh (10.1 KB)

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You seem to have a workaround, but it still looks like a bug to me.

Here is a simplified version, also showing both face and vertex normals. Not much wrong there!

EMOJI.gh (9.8 KB)

I would be interested in a real explanation!


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Yeah, I’ve tried moving the mesh, rotating it, welding it, changing the U & V divisions, unifying normals and combine and clean but that one face always gets thickened in the wrong direction.

Thicken Mesh works on the original spherical mesh but not on the Mesh Window output.

It always seems to be the same face that gets thickened in the wrong direction.

Ahhh… splitting it into Disjoint Pieces works too!