Wall display change in Wireframe view?

Walls cut by level settings aren’t displaying as set in Wall Styles - they’re displaying as solid black for all Wall layers. In Hidden view the display is still as expected. It appears this has changed since the last Rhino update.

Hi @djhg,

I cannot reproduce this issue.

Which version of Rhino and VisualARQ are you using?
Can you share the 3DM file?



Thanks. Rhino is current, and Visualarq version is the build to which you sent a link recently. Tomorrow I will send the project, and check for a display driver update.

OK, thanks!

So I understand this is an issue with a particular project, and it doesn’t happen with a newly created document. Is that correct?



Rhino 7.12.21313.6341 2021-11-09
It happens with a new project too - I"ve attached an example.

CutWallsDisplaySolidBlack.3dm (3.77 MB)

Hi @djhg,

It works fine on my computer, in both VisualARQ 2.11 and 2.12.

Which display modes have you tried? In my computer it works fine in all display modes (tested on “Wireframe”, “Shaded”, “Rendered”, “Conceptual”, “Realistic” and “Hidden”).

Can you please check that you don’t have any change in the display modes?

There is a button to restore any display mode to its default state:

Do you have any third-party plugin or Grasshopper add-on installed?



Thanks Enric, yes, that fixed it. If you can, I’d appreciate you taking a look at these two different view modes to help me see where the problem setting was. I find hatches in Rhino to be a challenge.


WireframeBlackWalls.ini (12.8 KB)

WireframeGoodWalls.ini (12.8 KB)

Hi @djhg,

The difference is in the clipping edges “Color usage”:

You have changed it to “Black”. VisualARQ takes into account the display mode preferences, so if you specify that you want clipping edges in black, VisualARQ will draw sections using those settings.

A hatch is always drawn using the edges/curves colors, even when it is a “solid” hatch because a hatch is not a surface or a mesh, it’s more like an annotation.

