I would like to make a voronoi cube (which a succeed til’ here) but with possibly with an attractor at the center of the cube. The center should be hollow and then gradually densify by the periphery.
My goal is to optimise the structure so it’s more dense at the highest stress points and lighter where it’s needed (in this case, at the center), but this is just to understand the purpose of the exercice.
Here are two images; one from my regular voronoi cube and one from the type of gradient I would like to obtain in my voronoi 3D structure.
This example was done with 10,000 points, which might take some time, depending on your computers performance. In three dimensions, you need far more points to get interesting results than in 2D. Things get interesting at about 5,000 points.
@anon39580149 I opened your file and it works very nice. Just not sure how I could merge together with my «wireframe» Deconstruct Brep…Do you think there is smth that could be done?
I join here my file where I pasted both models and in the third one, I naively «tried» to make them work together. Any clues?
Wow very impressive! @diff-arch do you think I could use the edges as tubular extrusion? Could Eventually, I would like to print a wireframe object in 3D
Absolutely! Simply deconstruct the Vornoi cells, like you did in your example, and thicken the resulting edges with for instance Cocoon. It will probably be a good idea to use dupLn (removeDuplicateLines) from Kangaroo on the egdes beforehand, to get rid of unnecessary duplicates.