Voronoi 3D Weaverbird Thickened Mesh Invalid


Just to propose a different take on this, as Martin mentions the BRep itself is split and it leads to errors down the line. One thing you can do is get the original surface (before presumably you offset it) and then rebuild this in Rhino to give a new UV parameterisation (1). This will help things later. You can just use the Rebuild command for that.

To me the other thing is when you take the boolean intersection, you kind of lose a little bit of control over how the curves are built and it might lead to further errors without some manipulation (a). To be honest, the image in your first post is much thicker than the one you attached, having more volume. If you need this more surface based, it might be that you can make the Voronoi in 2D (2) and then map these curves to the surface instead which is much faster. Use the Ruled surface component with only two curves to create the faces (3) and the Simple Mesh component rather than the MeshUV (unless you really have to) (4). Swapping the thicken and the subdivision components gives a slightly more smoothed final result (5) (b). The dense parts are where the lines are really small from the Voronoi which could be rebuilt earlier in the process if required.

VorEdit.gh (67.4 KB)

This is only really 2D though and the image as I say is more a volume. For that, using the mapping you could easily make a line network by first offsetting the surface (1), joining points, and then use this to create a 3D Voronoi of tubes. For this, I recommend Daniel Piker’s ‘skeleton fattener’ component (2) before you do the Weaverbird.

VorEdit2.gh (60.8 KB)

Hope this all adds to your understanding. Personally I like to not overcomplicate things, so trying to find a solution to your problem in the easiest way possible not necessarily the best if that makes sense!

Best of luck with it.
