VisualARQ Tangent Edge on PlanView and SectionView are still shown


Thank you VA team for launching VA3!

I´m currently testing VA3 to see if the previous issues I had with it, which kept me from really considering to use it, have been fixed, but it seems the main issue I have is still here in VA3.

It seems the tangent edge from a wall with the same vastyle and properties continues to randomly show in both plan and section views, thus producing a clean BIM (auto updated) drawing set continues to not be feasible, which I would argue is the main point of BIM for architects.

Screenshots showing the issue and file below.

I hope we can fix this somehow as it’s the last issue that keeps me from VA. Excited to try out the other new features, let me know if im simply missing an option to have VA drawings behave well!

Thank you

Previous thread: Walls visual connection - VisualARQ - McNeel Forum
Previous link posted which didnt solve the issue: VA Link

VA3_Drawing Issues.3dm (1.7 MB)

Hi @lourencovp we still have this issue pending to be fixed.

Why don’t you print the plan and section views from real-time views of your model, instead of producing a 2D in the model space? As long as you use the Hidden display mode, you will be able to print that to vector output, and you won’t have these tangent lines issue.

In addition, you will always print the up to date version of your model, and save file size because you won’t need to place extra 2D geometry in the model space.

Hi @fsalla
I understand the logic of setting up the layout with the 3D “Hidden” views and using that for printing, it makes sense but I find there are several reasons not do that in my mind, but maybe my concerns don’t make much sense? do let me know!

  • Different rhino versions with&without VA installed wont be able to use and work on the drawings, since they wont be able to even see them, for example someone on the go with a mac etc.(I sure would love a mac version but I’m sure its harder than I can understand to actually port it)

  • How can you make for example a lighting plan which is 100% 2D work with symbols etc without having a 2D space to work on (Layout is not accurate especially with dimension in rhino currently, but maybe I’m doing it wrong?

  • Sharing a well organized single dwg with all drawings properly layed out and annotated in model space for 3rd party consultants is not possible, interoperability is important! (I know you can export each layout separately as a dwg now, havent tried it yet, super grateful for this new update!)

  • Rhino view modes act fickle and depending on the computer you are using render differently in my experience, especially if one person on one computer edits the view mode, drawing wont be consistent across machines, whilst actual line drawings don’t lie. (important for team workflows)

  • What happens when we are on rhino12 and VA8 and no one can open the file for this thing anymore?

I’m sure there are a few more that I will remember right after I post this reply :slight_smile:

I do agree with your recommended workflow, it definitely saves file size and creates a snappier experience overall, but it creates all sorts of issues down the line imho.

I will give it a try and set up a base drawing set to see what can be done with it.
Thank you for letting me know this is on your track list, would be great to know when its fixed!

Thank you for all the hard work and effort you put into VA


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Yes!! This would make all the difference when working on ‘automatic’ 2D extracted plans.
Both model and layout space are NOT the right place for this.

I mentioned adding an extra 2D space a few times around here, for example in this post.

Obviously, this is a feature that runs pretty deep into the Rhino ‘core’, and as such will need to come from McNeel itself. I doubt (correct me if I’m wrong) this could be added in a plugin.

Hi @lourencovp , excuse the late reply on this topic:

That’s a good reason to keep the 2D Plan/Section view tools.

Well, if you are not comfortable working on the page layout, you can draw that on top of a real-time plan view, in the model space, and manage the visibility of symbols and annotations by layers. However I think we should focus on solving the problems of dimensions on layouts.

Well, that’s possible with the new feature to export layouts to DWG. Try it and let me know how it works for you!

You can always create pictures/screenshots/renders of the views. For the 2D drawings, using the Hidden display and printing to vector output should generate the same result for anyone (with same printer settings).

I guess this is the same of your first point. If you don’t have VisualARQ, you can’t see the 3D model in real-time plan view representation and print it to vector output.

Thank you once again for you feedback!


Im currently trying the workflow regarding live drawings you mentioned. I have one big issue with it.

Every time I open the file after closing it, all of the “hidden” viewport details, in layout space change from “hidden” to “wireframe”. meaning if I intended to produce a full drawing set full of layouts etc, everytime I open the file I have to go to every single layout and redo the detail view mode back to “Hidden”.

Am I missing something here? Is there any fix for this issue?
example below,

File with details on the right hand side with “Hidden” mode. (Correct)

File freshly opened. details with hidden view mode change to wireframe mode. (Wrong)
It even changes the “Display mode” under properties palet to Wireframe

Due to size restriction, reduced 3DM here: Viewport Test.3dm (18.1 MB)

Thank you,

Hi Lourenço,
I cannot reproduce this error. I open your file, I can the six details at the right in Hidden display mode. I save the file, I open it again, and the 6 details are still in Hidden display.

Does this problem happen in a different file?

Just in case, there is a newer version of VisualARQ (3.0.13) that you can try this with: Update - VisualARQ

I can see you are using a previous version (VisualARQ 3.0.11).

Hi @lourencovp

I had similar problems months ago.

Try to always run clean Rhino instance first (just start Rhino, do not open any particular file) and wait for all plugins to be fully loaded.

Then proceed to open any of your VA projects.

All layout details should preserve their Display mode.

If I understood it correctly, if Rhino loads layouts and details faster than plugins (at start-up), it won’t recognize “Hidden” or any other VA native view modes and proceed to “fix them” (change them) to default one, which is wireframe. Only then it loads up also VA, but all details are already messed up.

I open all my projects through empty Rhino file and never encountered this problem again.

But it is indeed an inconvenience…

Any ideas, @fsalla ?

And regarding your need to export layouts directly to the dwg model space:

Well, we tried to explain this necessity in another thread, but we weren’t very successful… Maybe you should add your vote here (read it through):

@MichalKrizo thank you!

That has indeed solved the issue with the display mode on layouts!
I would never find this solution in a million years, not very intuitive and I assume many people will continue to have this issue, if live drawings from RH+VA are meant to be the main way to do things then I hope this bug gets solved, perhaps by Mcneel not necessary VA, not sure.

@fsalla I believe any model that is complex and heavy enough this issue happens.

I will try the dwg export function soon and see if any other issues arise!

Thanks guys

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Will they all have Rhino 8?

Recently I’ve started using a display mode based off “Technical” to get my vector linework into layouts. It’s working… okay so far. Some lines are showing through that shouldn’t on my latest model.

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FYI, if I click on VA update inside Rhino, it takes me to a webpage that says I dont have any updates available, is this right @fsalla ?