Visualarq 3 Release Candidate

Hello everyone,

I donwloaded the VA free trial and is looking good, although I am in doubt about some features. When adding wall layer, it is only adding at one side, and i cannot choose which side i want to be added.

In curtain walls I tried to add mullions to the first glazing type and it didnt appeared.

In anotations, In hatch sections I don’t have the option to choose the hatch or where I want to hatch it. Also, the text showing the hight on elevation marks are not appearing (maybe I don’t know how to do it) but in visualarq template it is correct.

I saw that plan styles now have a “solid” option in VA template, but it didn’t showed when i opened some of my past files.

Didnt found the ramp component (it was a promise for VA3 if i am not mistake).

also, couldnt find where is the wall x slab intersection new feature (as


Hi @Leonardo_G_Pate

When you add a layer to a wall style, it goes to the end of the list. You can change its position with the arrows at the dialog toolbar. Nothing has changed about this in VisualRQ 3. It was the same behavior in VisualARQ 2 and 1.

You need to check the profile option in the styles dialog:

I guess we should enable this option by default when adding a Mullion component. I’ll ask to change that.

It is not possible to change the hatch pattern of the annotation styles that come in VisualARQ templates. They are all Grasshopper styles, so the pattern is defined in the Grasshopper definition. We can change that, or make it editable, but we considered that no other hatch than the “Solid” made sense for those symbols. Which one would you change it for?
On the other hand, we have seen an error where the hatch and the text of the elevation mark doesn’t show up. If you open a new template again, then it appears. We will fix this asap.

That’s a new style added to VA3 templates. There are new styles for Furniture, Element, and other objects as well. Obviously, the files saved with VA 2, or former VA 3 Beta versions don’t have these new styles.

Did we promise it? where? I wish we had a Ramp object already, but that’s still a planned feature for future versions.

Walls and slabs intersect automatically. If you see a case where that doesn’t happen, please report it. Check the VisualARQ help to see the rules of wall-slab intersections: Slab | VisualARQ help

the wall part I mean is on the geometry. It doesn’t add layers on both sides of the geometry of the wall, only one side.

I think ramps where at the roadmap.

Can you show me an example of this? I can’t reproduce it. If you want a wall layer on each side of the wall, you need to create 2 layers, and place them on each side.

We still have it on the roadmap. But it was not scheduled for VisualARQ 3.

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@Leonardo_G_Pate In VisualARQ 3.2, the profile checkbox is enabled by default when you add a Mullions component.

thanks, any news about ifc4??

VisualARQ 3 already opens IFC 4 and IFC 4.3 files. We are still working on the Export to IFC 4, that will be finished for one of the upcoming updates.

are ramps and stairs improvement anywhere near of happening?

I tried openning IFC file without success. How it should be done in VA3?

Hi @Leonardo_G_Pate any improvements related to ramps or stairs will happen in VisualARQ 4 (the nearest).

Which command are you using to open the IFC file? Open ? If you are using the Import command instead, you must know that you need at least the VisualARQ 3.1 version.