Visual ARQ3 Gridline issue in viewport

I am having an issue in Visual Arq 3 with the gridlines disappearing in a viewport once i am back in layout space. When i am in model space in the viewport the grid lines show up but then thy disappear once i leave model space. The gridlines seem to be showing up all right in the other viewports at the moment.
Have i got a setting wrong? The whole level manager has been a bit hard to work with while trying to document a split level house.

I am getting a History updated 7 objects.
History failed to update 19 objects.
comment in the command line when i exit the viewport

Hi @john_anders is it possible to get a copy of that file, so we can revise this problem? you can share it here or send it to

Got your file and reported the error. I’ll get back to you when we fix it.

Have you guys managed to work this issue out yet?

Hi @john_anders, not yet, unfortunately. I’ll keep you posted!