Yesterday I´ve updated to the latest service release Version 8 SR11 (8.11.24254.15001, 2024-09-10).
I´ve noticed that my GH defintions don´t work as before, when I run them through Grasshopper Player.
Running the GH definitions without Grasshopper Player seems to be fine.
As I need to finish some work, It would be nice to be able to restore the previous version of Rhino for the time being.
Is there a way to “downgrade”?
Why was it broken in R8.11? Don’t you realize that people have paid money for this code?
Yet long after the official release almost a year ago, the product is still buggy. Even worse, new bugs like this appear? What in the world is going on It’s so very wrong.
You’ve been around here longer than most, how many bugs have been created/fixed since grasshopper was first released?
Granted, whack-a-mole bugs are frustrating for everyone but are fixed quickly when they pop up.
Should a lot of features been pushed to WIP 9 instead of 8 in favor of stability? absolutely, but risks were taken to push things forward, just like in previous releases. I, like most, want the new features and stability, but making the complex simple is rarely straight forward, it’s an iterative process (like building an efficient gh definition). We can only trust the process and learn from the mistakes.
I know the image shows the breakpoint from version 8.12 to version 8.11 but this was just my last trial to see if in the service release this was solved, but apparently not. I have the exact same issue with version 8.10 to version 8.11
I haven’t really seen anyone complaining about this exact same issue so I’m just wondering if it’s only me?
This is installed on my private machine and I have admin rights and there are no company rules in this.
Now my question for now is: How do I find the rhino 8.10 version so I can roll back to it?
The version you sent me is 8.12.24269.13001 and does solve the issue, but the current service release candidate 8.12.24268.13001, that I download today previously, didn’t.
This is issue is not related to any specific version of Rhino, it is an issue with the installer.
It looks like Rhino was loaded but Grasshopper was not while the installer was trying to update certain files.
Apparently Grasshopper files were updated but not Rhino files, this is why you get the error message you shared.
Do you remember if the installer asked you to restart Windows before using Rhino?