V6 Goal: Make2d overhaul

My AMD video card isn’t supported so I can’t try the new command yet. However I think you are suggesting that the Make2D command will include text objects in the projected geometry.

What I am referring to is have the Make2d command get the object attributes data of a geometric object. So Lets say I have some 3D objects. I have added some custom user data to the objects. A real world example would be <Profile_type> “L6"x3"x1/4"”. So when I makde2D of a steel panel with angle iron attached, it would possibly extract this custom data and add it to the projected geometry. Thus requiring less manual detailing time.

This might be too much for the command to do but if I could get some scripting options that would be awesome.

Yes exactly.

I meant if you attach data to objects (through SetUserText for example), this information is now carried to Make2D output. If you get a chance to try the WIP then you can test it and let us know if it works as you expect it.
On a side note, the new Make2D support more objects including mesh and text.

I was able to try the command. Yes the data is now carried over as you stated! I will be able to do a lot with this. :slight_smile:

Can we add an option to group all the projected lines that from each object? In other words, group results base on objects.

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I’ll add a request for that. Do you see it as an option to “Group by source”?

No, am I missing something?

I’ll admit I haven’t read through this entire thread so the answer to this issue may have already been posted. I guess this could be an issue with how my models are built…That said I still have missing lines on almost every make-2d created.

I have attached a link to the .3dm file with the polysurfaces I’m trying to produce a make2d from and the results with the missing lines clouded.

File is almost 60 megs…I didn’t have time to try to make it smaller and not sure why it’s so large in the first place.


PS…R6 build date 1-31-2017

I think I understand what you are saying now. Yes “Group by source” might be a good way to sum it up.

I was wondering if you expected that Make2D’s output be grouped by source by default, or should there be an option to group by source per your suggestion.

I assume that not everyone would want it grouped so I would make it an option.

I can’t seem to get to the file you posted

The link doesn’t work for me either…I think A360 is trying translate/open the file instead of just letting you download it.

I’ll try to find another site to upload it to.


Here is a dropbox link…


I see. It’s on the bug list here.

RH-38027 is fixed in the latest WIP

@Dan_F Followup question: should silhouette curves (when that option is selected) be grouped with visible and hidden curves, or those need to be left alone?

Would it be possible to have an option to create silhouette curves on their own source-related sub-layer? This would make it easy to adjust line weights for them without affecting all others.

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I would suggest the silhouette output curves have their own group. In other words, each object would have their group and the silhouette would have another group.

Silhouette is new to me so I don’t have a specific purpose for it yet. Might it be better to just join together the silhouette output?

RH-38027 is fixed again in the latest WIP

4 posts were split to a new topic: HiddenLineDrawing class

Hi @GregArden

I am testing now Make2D within the latest WIP.
Got some bug: line is not shown where it should be. Please refer to the enclosure.Make2D_V6_Bug1.pdf (73.2 KB)

And another one: Make2D_V6_Bug2.pdf (243.2 KB)

Kind regards,