V6 Goal: Make2d overhaul

Can you post a .3dm file with the geometry that reproduces the problem.


Unfortunately not but can send by email.

@Already sent. Please check.

Thanks, Dmitriy
It on the bug list.

Hi @GregArden

another example enclosed:

This the same file sent to you earlier. Projection from the side/Y direction

@ geometry was not created in Rhino - imported

Kind regards,

Make2D struggling to draw properly in order certain elements in a “big” cad file using clipping planes: it draws things that are supposedly hidden by the clipping plane.

Please, could you give me an email/user link to submit screenshots and model.

You can upload it to tech support via the website:


Cheers, --Mitch

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I’m closing this post because it is too long and unmanageable. Please create a new topic for new Make2D comments.
Greg Arden