V-Ray 3 texture mapping: UVW repeat not working

Hi guys,

I am trying to map a perforated metal texture across a set of surfaces, however changing the number of U and V repeats of the bitmap doesn’t seem to be changing anything. I have attached screenshots below

Is there another parameter that needs altering?


Did you render? The material repeat isn’t shown at the viewport, but should be seen at the rendering. Better use the Rhino mapping, so you will see it at the Rhino viewport and rendering.

Thanks for the reply Micha.

I did render and the results were exactly the same no matter how I changed the UV repeats.

How do I do the Rhino mapping whilst using vray?

First, it should work and please post it at the chaosgroup forum, looks like a bug.

I’m not sure, maybe it’s standard or set by me in the past - the Rhino mapping is at the object properties. Very important tool. :wink:


It definitely does so yes I will try posting there.

I tried mapping with Rhino with much better results so a massive thank you for that!