Using ShapeMap to create sole texture and upper

Thank you! In fact, I had the same issue with the Voronoi texture as well. Now I know how to solve it.

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Look from minute 7: to blend the pattern, use the ā€œcageā€ and ā€œset pointā€ commands before applying it to the target surface. I sometimes use the same method, but I think this can be solved with attractors and curves using Shapemap and Grasshopper. Alternatively, you can use the edge of the surface as an attractor curve: the closer the pattern gets to the edge, the more it approaches a value of zero.
Honestly, Iā€™m not very familiar with attractors to gh, but it would be great to have a shape map script as an example, with a hexagonal, square, or Voronoi pattern, as an example in a video.


Good ideal and thanks for your advices, Iā€™m going to create some clusters and create a video about it.

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Hi Jessesn, this hexagons on the car is so cool! Could you please share some insights on how this is created?

From shapemap example pictures I can imagine maybe ā€˜flatteningā€™ the surfaces first, getting hexagon grid on them, then mapping hexagons back to the original surface.

But on this car example, it looks like each hexagon is like a single shape surface, and they all connected to each other still.

(Somewhat related to thisā€“I saw this tutorial which seem to suggest that the result of mapping brep to shape is mesh, not brep. In that case, would it have been better to just meshify brep before mapping?)

Very look forward to Mac version


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Iā€™d like to demo a similar sample in the next texturing tutorial video.

Yes, the result of remapping brep is mesh, but you donā€™t need to mesh it before mapping.

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Awesome, thank you!

I will be looking for that tutorial. This is such an amazing plugin!

Regarding the mesh outputā€“might we get brep result with the current or a future version?

My main concern is that take voronoi shoe sole for example. Letā€™s take a 5-sided voronoi cell extruded and capped, and map it to the curved shoe sole. In Rhino, itā€™s impossible to get curvature continuity through that cap (after say turning the mesh version of the remap into subd and then to brep) because there will be extraordinary vertex in the middle. If the result is still brep like surface morph, this would not be a problem. But then surface morph cannot morph complex situation like the shoe sole :thinking:

You need to use QuadRemesh + ToSubd converting the mesh to Brep for currently ShapeMap output.

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Hello, I tried an experiment with cylinders that are gradually attracted to the edges of a 2D surface. I used an old script and simply reconnected it to ShapeMap, and it works. However, it would be interesting to see a tutorial from you on quadrangular, hexagonal, and triangular grids with attractor dynamics such as points and curves. In the meantime, Iā€™m sharing this script as an example, which I think could be improved.

ShapeMap_oggetto su (357.1 KB)

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You can achieve it with Remap. Just fyi, (302.4 KB)


3 posts were split to a new topic: Normal direction issue about ShapeMap

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Does anyone know what it means that itā€™s red?
And this is the note
Thank you

All links are broken, could you check it?

4 posts were split to a new topic: ā€œBefore Solution exception:Unable to load DLL ā€˜ShapeMapLib.dll"

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