How to handle symmetrical modeling and blur boundary

Hi @jessesn , I have an issue that occurs when I work with a continuous polysurface. Once it’s converted into SubD, I do get a continuous SubD, but the problem arises when I apply the texture: it’s not symmetrical, meaning the right side doesn’t match the left side. As you can see in the screenshot, the issue is with the SubD marked as number 2.
To solve this in my own way, I simply divided the front area, leaving a small gap without connecting the faces. This way, the pattern and the 2D unwrapping are handled differently, as you can see.
However, I’m sure this issue can be resolved with Grasshopper. But how?

Griglia esagonale_Pattern_Srf (57.3 KB)
Polisuperficie continua_Shape map.3dm (6.2 MB)
I removed the patterns from the 3DM file because it was otherwise too heavy in terms of MB. You’ll find the two SubDs and the Brep inside.
Watching one of your videos, I think the solution lies in this example.

How come it’s published via Food4Rhino rather than the built-in plug-in manager in Rhino?

Like the previous message, I’m also interested in how it handles symmetry…

(Also, can it do smooth transition from SubD to Nurbs with the patterns?)

Sorry for late reply and thanks for your feedback. Your model indeed has this issue, I’ve logged this issue to our development engineer for confirmation. Thanks.

Yes this model was completed with Grasshopper, but ShapeMap was not used. This video introduces which examples are suitable for ShapeMap, and this model is a counterexample. Regarding the full enclosed shapes like this, I think I need to record a new tutorial.

Yes, you can install it via PackageManager and search ShapeMap .

Could you provided more explanations ? Thanks.


I must admit I haven’t tried it yet, but it looks very interesting.

It operates on SubD only it seems? So I haven’t been able to tell from what I’ve seen yet if the outputs are mesh, curves or surfaces (or if it can be any of those).

Similarly, I’ve only seen entire surfaces covered so far, but the next to me would be to smoothly fade out the pattern to conform to a Brep (maybe an impossible ask, judging by the complexity of the patterns).

The outputs are mesh in this demo, you can convert it from mesh to Subd with QuadRemesh

Its depends on the edges of the pattern on the 2d plane are smooth with plane. If the edges of plane are smooth, it will be very smooth after remapping to the shape, as show in the figure as below.