Unable to rotate in Rhino 8 Parallel View?

Hello -

I’m in the process of setting up various Perspective and Parallel views in my Rhino model, and I noticed I’m unable to rotate (right mouse click & drag) in the parallel mode. Is this a bug, or do I simply have some setting I’m unaware of that’s preventing the viewport from rotating? This was a brand new file, it’s the default parallel projection, and it isn’t locked. Any insights would be appreciated!

Hello- ctrl-shift RMB drag to tumble the parallel plan views out of plan.


Hi @pascal -

Thanks for the reply. I should mention that I was in the Perspective view and changed my projection type to Parallel (like I typically would for an isometric view of a model). In previous versions I could rotate this type of Parallel view with no issue, but am getting hung up in Rhino 8.

I had the same problem… You probably have this setting checked, you’ll need to uncheck it


Oh, wow - 18 years of using Rhino and I’ve never come across that (can’t be a new Rhino 8 feature, is it?). Thanks @can.aysan, just what I was looking for!

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def not a new feature. been there since day1 pretty sure. :slight_smile:

I’m having the opposite issue. I want to stop my projection views (top, bottom, right, etc) from rotating. I keep hitting shift accidentally, just out of habit and changing the view to perspective. Then I have to manually switch the view back.