The copy function in Rhino is not always fast–yet ALT dragging a copy is almost instant under any circumstances. For medium to large projects, it often takes seconds to copy, alone. I just copied a surface that took 13 seconds; it can be ALT-drag copied so fast the screen doesn’t even pause.
Is there a way to write a script to drag-copy an object, and then move the object back to its original position? (Effectively making a copy in place.)
Thank you both, I bound it to a CTRL-D key, and it works great!
BTW, @pascal I have used the Dragline point setter you made for me, hundreds, if not thousands of times. Thank you. I was going to recommend that it be somewhere in V7, but I cannot find it in the forum. I still have a copy of the code and the icon.
there is another possibility added in Rhino 7 WIP:
Drag: DragCopy - New command (RH-53561 )
It works while Gumballing or dragging, and acts as multiple copies while dragging. Pretty cool and seems very fast. The best way to use it is to bind it to some key shortcut [here: F12] so its an one-shot when dragging. Can do many copies and then select them all once done with SelLast…
@pascal, you have helped so many people you cannot keep them all straight.
The script let the user draw a line between two points, and set a point in the middle. I also use a modified version that let me set a point at the end, to set a point at a certain length. This is the original.
OMG! It’s 8 years old!!!
Option Explicit
'Script written by <insert name>
'Script copyrighted by <insert company name>
'Script version Tuesday, March 02, 2010 4:32:48 PM
Call Main()
Sub Main()
Dim blnSuccess: blnSuccess=Rhino.Command ("_Line")
If Not blnSuccess=True Then
Exit Sub
End If
Rhino.EnableRedraw False
Dim strLine: strLine=Rhino.LastCreatedObjects
Dim arrEndPoint: arrEndPoint=Rhino.CurveEndPoint(strLine(0))
Call Rhino.AddPoint(arrEndPoint)
Call Rhino.DeleteObject(strLine(0))
Rhino.EnableRedraw True
End Sub
hm. This looks like it lets you draw a line and then drops a point at the end,… not sure what that gets you but I don’t think I did this… if it were Rhino.CurveMidPoint() I could start to see some utility, but ! _Point Between
is simpler.
The tool is handy because it works from curved quads, rectangles, or anything you can span with a line. The endpoint variation is handy just for setting a point at the end of a measured distance.
[In the late 1980s, I wrote a drawing program from scratch, with scratch made pull-down menus, which had a similar command.]
I used the CTRL-D duplicate at 4 last times, already : )
This is because Rhino copies every material to memory (a ‘bug’ in my world) each time you copy any object to memory with ctrl-c (Even a curve with no material) So big textures are the cause as far as I know.