Ultra-Fast Duplicate?

Oh. That would do it. I can see why people would want it, but the CTR-D for duplicate is working great! I used it 2 more times.

There is a precedent in most other software for a special-paste, such as SHIFT-CTRL-V. I suspect that people will more-likely copy/paste from the same document, but I don’t know how many people would be upset to need to hold an additional key for pasting between documents.

The CTRL-D for duplicate is often used in other programs, such as Inkscape.

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Ctrl-C → Ctrl+V is quite slow often here. For example at my current project file, if I select a part Ctrl-C … ~3s and Ctrl+V needs ~11s. If I do it for the whole model (two premium train seats) than Ctrl-C needs 16s and Ctrl-V also 16s. So, the copy process needs 32s. If I use _copy than it is done in ~10s. I wished it could be done without time to wait.

Maybe the slow down is caused by plugins like V-Ray, maybe the plugin data needs to be handled. But is this not done at RAM level, should it not be super fast?

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Thanks Pascal - what a handy macro - now set up as Ctrl-D on my keyboard.

No more Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V combos.

It’s the small things that add up.



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@Pascal IMO you should add _SelNone _SelLast to that macro so you don’t end up moving the originals. Important if the originals has history linked to them, or if their ID is used by some plugins or by grasshopper etc. Agree?


I have this for ‘copy in place no history’

! %_Copy _Pause _InPlace

Excellent idea. If you preselect the original, it is always still selected at the end.

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The Control-D key for duplicate key is now one of the most used Rhino functions. A duplicate in place should be a “must” for V7.

It already exists since V1 as described above… (the function) What key you assign it to is up to you…

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It should have an icon and menu entry. It should be officially supported and documented.

It has an icon - right click on the Copy button in the standard workspace


A menu item might be a good idea (as well as lots of other stuff that lack either a button or a menu item)

The documentation could certainly be made somewhat clearer/stronger, but it is there…

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No balloon help in-place Copy command for V6. Option only after invoking. The Copy command can work faster than Edit/Copy, but there are additional steps compared to the joy and efficiency of the solutions posted in this thread.


Having it as a key is a must-have V7 time-saver.

It’s on the Copy button in the left hand standard toolbar (since V1 or so), but not on the button on the “Transform” tab (since tabs were implemented in… V3? V4?). This has been reported umpteen times, but McNeel has yet to do anything about it. @KelvinC

As per this recent post (and others), a reorganization/expansion of keyboard shortcuts would be good…

I toss in a wish here and that is for copy to recognice history and bring that along with the copied objects if you choose both input and output to copy.

This is mine to fix. I’ll fix it…
RH-57536 Add Copy In Place to Transform



I don’t think that things are currently broken, but could be made better : )

I’ll add the RMB icon to the option name if it can be run from RMB of a button. I added this as a step in the To-Do list that I use to create new command topics. I’ll gradually do it in existing topics. Thanks.


Thank you @KelvinC, @pascal, and @Helvetosaur

I am sorry that I am just getting back to this.
It may not be syntactically correct, but it does now invoke from the keyboard:
_Copy _InPlace

Thank you, again,

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(I used the old version, until recently, when I reloaded Rhino to modernize the toolbars with all the current SubD commands. It was then when I noticed, in its brief absence how much I used the copy in place command, and how much much faster than it is than a copy and paste.)

I’m glad it is useful for you. Rhino update installers won’t update existing toolbars to avoid overwriting user customized toolbars. There isn’t a good solution for this so far.

In V8, if all goes well, updates to the default toolbars will be included with Rhino updates without upsetting any customization by the user.



The old toolbar issue was my fault. Standing tall, proud, and defiant against logic, I reloaded my older bar to completely eliminate the replace the newer stock Rhino one. : )