Hi guys, We just started testing out TwinMotion for landscape visualisation and wonder if anybody knows if there will be a DirectLink tool for Rhino?
It supports Revit, Sketchup and Archicad as of today.
Hi guys, We just started testing out TwinMotion for landscape visualisation and wonder if anybody knows if there will be a DirectLink tool for Rhino?
It supports Revit, Sketchup and Archicad as of today.
I believe they had one in the works there last time I talked to them.
Have you had a chance to ask them? Our file format library are open source.
Hi Scott, no I have not contacted them.
I strongly advice you guys to sign up for the free version and give it a GOOD spin. They have done so many things so very very right. (Pro users will be a bit frustrated that the GUI is so simplified, but look beyond that)
The things I love:
You guys should study this stuff and discuss how you can learn from it asap for V7.
It is the realtime I always wanted, better looking graphics is rarely needed IMO.
(If I need better images then I rather hire a pro, just like we do when we need wedding photos )
So I think you should both try to be better than them and also support them as well as possible. Twinmotion is here to stay and every architectural office will have a copy, so if you don’t support it I think Rhino will miss out.
I’ve tested Twinmotion as well and used the .fbx import. This seems to stay linked to the original .fbx as far as I have tested. So if you make some changes in the Rhino file and save/overwrite the .fbx, you can update your scene in TwinMotion with a single click. That being said, hopefully native Rhino support will follow.
True and not true, it doesn’t know what objects are what (AFAIK), so if you add a new object and save over the fbx then suddenly the new one get’s the old ones adjustments. So some kind of naming or material handling will probably be needed.
And Rhino should set the fbx object pivot to bounding box center and not W0,0,0 IMO
not quite sure what you mean here. What I tested is that if I change one object in Rhino, for example just scale a piece, then resave the scene fbx, it updates properly. Adding objects is also no problem, so objects don’t get confused by new objects, in Rhino terms, their ids don’t change AFAIK. But objects are grouped by material, so if I want to change an object’s material I need to be sure that it has its own material when exporting.
yes this is quite annoying
Yes, agreed. It is a very good interface.
We gave them the libraries to read and write our file format directly. So they have total access to all the information. Of course if they decide an integrated Twinmotion is a good direction, then they can do that also.
We will see how it goes as they roll it out under their new management.
I think so too
Personally I’d like to make those nice images myself also
Yeah, and the fact that works on mac makes it even more attractive. Please McNeel, give them all the support needed so they can build a cross platform plugin.
Look what I found at the end of this link about what is coming to Twinmotion 2020!!
After watching the sneak peak I can say that if I’m able to get this quality in Twinmotion I don’t think I will need any other renderer any more.
Another more in detail video of what is coming to Twinmotion 2020 I’m really impressed with the workflow and the well thought interface.
Never seen software this easy to understand and manipulate.
It gets a bit harder if you use UE4 at the same time (Twinmotion is based on UE4 and some time ago was bought by Epic Games). Navigation in UE4: E - elevator up; Q - elevator down. In Twinmotion the opposite! The same goes for web-based Google maps and application Google Earth! - Inverted mouse actions. It is inhuman.
It’s available now for Rhino and Grasshopper
Do you have a link and have you tried it out?
Downloading of new version in progress.
The link of the plugin:
Thanks, I used VR in Twin Motion earlier today, evaluating sculpture with a customer, so testing out the direct link will be great! Testing out objects of unorthodox sizes are one of the areas where vr really shines imo!
Until now I have used my own one click fbx exporter, so I look forward to see what epic came up with! Cheers!
Which vr glasses you use ?
Oculus Rift S.
Supereasy to use in TM.
anybody who tried TM 2020 on mac? I am having some difficulty here. I tried to report a bug to UE but their webpage doesn’t respond…so trying my luck here for now.
1 - the performance got super low when switch to high/ultrahigh quality - the CPU and GPU usage just drop to the zero. This did not happen in 2019. When I keep it on Medium, the CPU and GPU utilisation work as expected.
2 - a crash occures when trying to synchronize model with a material assigned to the sub-surface of an object
3 - the world z 0 seems different to me. All objects are just floating above the ground (30-40 cm) in TM, even though it sits on the zero in Rhino.
So just in case somebody was trying to spin around a bit in a new TM