Turning loft to solid to 3d print

Hope all is well.

I have been facing a hard time trying to join surfaces for them to be read as a solid. Can someone help me turn the loft into a solid? or let me know a cleaner way to model it. Thank you in advance - would really appreciate the help since I have a deadline.


Without a model posted, difficult to give precise advice. From your images, looks like you only have surfaces. Surfaces do not have thickness. To 3D print, you need to add material thickness to the model. You might be able to do this with OffsetSrf.

Some 3D printer software can also automatically add thickness to a surface model.

12 october 2023 12.19 pm.3dm (14.0 MB)
here is the file! apologies, i thought i uploaded it. thank you.

Well, just looking at one of the objects - you have some surface mismatches in there that require adjusting.

If I take this object:

If you explode it and use RebuildEdges and then Join, it makes an open polysurface.
If you turn on edge display and set it to naked edges, you see this:

There are two surfaces that have their corner points that don’t match the other vertices.

If you explode again, turn on points for the two surfaces and move just the corner points to the right place, surface #2 is OK, but surface #1 will then be mismatched on the opposite edge (because it’s actually a four point surface that has been trimmed into a triangle). So I just deleted it and made a new surface (PlanarSrf or Cap). Then everything joins up into a nice solid object.

All of the four point surfaces in the model that have been trimmed to triangles could be replaced by planar surfaces for a cleaner object.

ObjectSolidified.3dm (3.1 MB)

Thank you soooo much!!! this helped tremendously. I will remodel it now to account for the lampshade and try your technique again.

If you want a look more like the reference picture, you could apply some Shrinkwrap if you are in R8

2 mm offset

Or some offset using mesh tool.
Here a model done using Dendro in Grasshopper, some smoothing and transforming that to quad mesh so it can be smoothed again usin Subdivsion technique “Catmull & Clark”

First populate you object (surfasic or solid) with a tool to populate, here tool from Nautilus, it is faster than populate from Legacy Grasshopper
The offset of 2.5 mm using Dendro and smoothing

Then Quadremesh to get a nice quads

Then you can resmooth or transform it to subd

solidify.gh (103.6 KB)

Unfortunately I am still struggling with joining surfaces to make them a closed polysurface. Can you let me know what command you used for that?
I can see the edges just like you suggested, but the joining wont work. i tried to join a polysurface too that is not complicated using the “join” command but it still reads as an open poly surface.

14 october 2023 10.03 AM - rhino forum.3dm (1.3 MB)

Thank you!
Unfortunately I’m still in Rhino 7 and the command seems too complex for the time that I have. I am unfortunately still struggling with joining the surfaces to be a solid mesh, I checked that the ends meet. Is it wrong that I am using the join command? what other command can I use to join surfaces to be read as a closed polysurface?

nvm it worked!!! i used the join tool and kept on redoing some surfaces. thank you.