Trim doesn't work properly

Trim, for me only works about 95% of the time. This is what happened today. All of the lines are planar.

Start with this

Select lines to trim. The red are what I attempt to trim

Look at this result? Makes no sense. The other line will not trim at all. This happens at least a dozen times a week

What could possibly be wrong?

I end up having to split everything and then get rid of what I don’t want. Seems like if it will split it should trim

thank you for your help

Hi Ken - please post a file with the curves and an of indication what trims what.


Thanks Pascal but I already split everything and then deleted the parts I didn’t need.

I just cannot figure out why this happens

Appreciate your quick response

Hi Ken - if you can reproduce the setup so that it happens again, please Undo and save the file - post it here, or send to, to my attention, with a link back to this topic in your comments.
