Trim/split problems

hi all
I havea little trim/split problem. I have made some flat surfaces I want to cut windows into. I used pull to draw the outline onto the and them used trim to cut the center out…
That worked fine on 4 panels but the 5th panel just will not trim ? I also extruded the window outline curves to intersect surfaces and I still cant get it to either trim or split ?

any help appreciated.

house-Working.3dm (6.0 MB)

the reason is that you should be more precise working with rhino. maybe do not even use pull to create curves for trimming in that way that can also lead to unwanted results. but mainly, just be more precise.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-08-26 um 22.45.57

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use osnaps for your intersections, or extend/ trim you lines

thank you for the advice, I have been using planes on each part with project to plane so that I could then fillet the corners so I must have missed one I guess ?

thanks for your help .