The contour command on X direction produces one “planar curve” in the middle, which supposed to be a “closed planar curve”. The open curve doesn’t let me create a boundary surface… I tried other simple breps with the same commands and didn’t have any issues. The problem is specific to this geometry. What can I do to solve this issue?
There is a seam exactly at your contour start point. If your move the start point slightly (one unit in X direction), you get the closed curve you want.
Thank you Joseph_Oster , moving the point in x direction solved the open curve issue. Now I can produce bondary surface without a problem.
Is it possible to know why there was a seam on the curve? To keep the point in exactly at the center, is there a way to fix this issue by removing/joining the seam?
Also thank you for your other tutorial suggestions on waffle structures. After this code, I will try them!
It depends on how you created that brep, which is not in the GH code.
P.S. To elaborate slightly…
The seam is likely a remnant of a sphere or revolved surface used to construct the brep.
I don’t know precisely why it interferes with Contour.
I don’t know how to “remove/join” a seam, though it might be possible to move it if I had access to the process that created the brep, which I don’t. Maybe it was created in Rhino?
There are many things I don’t know or can’t control.
I prefer to work with things I know and can control. In my experience, it is common that nudging geometry slightly avoids problems like this. The brep is nearly 600 units in X and Y. Moving the contour start point as little as 0.01 units in X (maybe less?) avoids the issue so I would do that and move on
There are more important issues to solve in creating a waffle structure.