Gradient planes is trivial. Extensive work was required, however, to handle the donut shape that generates multiple section curves per plane. I started from this, done two days ago:
This is the best way to create a waffle structure in my opinion. It fixes a flaw in the original method for creating slots in this thread (which needs a better title!).
The fix for that problem is in the white group of this version, which is an extensive rewrite of the original. It creates slots in 2D before extruding the section curves, so no more SDiff.
[waffle structure_2024Mar29b]
waffle (228.8 KB)
Geometry is internalized, no need for Rhino file.
Here is how…
P.S. No plugins.
P.P.S. I don’t know why there is no GH file for this donut? Here it is: (Oct 3, 2024)
waffle (128.2 KB)