Texture Repeat not working with some textures

Hi Everybody,

This maybe a newbie issue… I am using Rhino 6 with Flamingo nxt 5.5. I design wood furniture so mostly I use wood textures. When I use the stock wood textures with mapping channel 1 and change the repeat value the repeat goes up or down just as it should, both in a rendered viewport and when rendered with Flamingo. However, when I apply a stock fabric texture to an object it looks fine (as far as the repeat value goes) in a rendered viewport, but when I render in Flamingo the texture looks like it is not repeating, or the value is set an a low number.

As far as I can I have both the wood material and fabric material set up the same way, except the texture. Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Garth –

I probably has more to do with the way the mapping is set on the object. Can you send an example that is not working?

Hi Scott,

Thanks for taking an interest. I tried sending you a PM. If you haven’t gotten around to it, no worries. If somehow it didn’t go through, the here are the Rhino file, a rendering, and a snip of a rendered viewport showing how I think the fabric ought to look.


GrafBed2Headboard.3dm (2.3 MB)