Texture metalness - reflecting an environment

I have a question about texture map metalness parameter. I understand that it has a 0 to 1 range - 1 being very reflective of the environment. I also understand that it reflects the environment that the model is in. My question is, are we able to set a different environment specifically just for the reflection of glass?

Our case is that we would like so that the glass reflects a sky texture/environment, however we’d like to keep the current environments we have. Is this possible?

An easy solution I briefly thought of would be to add a texture map of the sky to the glass, however this will result in a static texture, whereas a reflection is more dynamic when you move around it and look at it from different angles. Let me know if there is any solution to this. Thanks.

Hello @Dhiyandra_Faizal

via the Viewer API this is possible. I created a short example for you here. In this example I change the environment map of all materials in an output. You can still see the default environment map in the background and the changed environment map for the material in the reflection.

Cheers, Michael