Text Orientation in BlockEdit mode vs model space

Hi everyone,

Rhino 6 Windows user here trying to move away from AutoCAD to a Rhino workflow for residential design work.

I tried inserting a land survey DWG into Rhino as a block. I noticed that in normal model space, some of the survey text is upside down. When i go into BlockEdit mode, the text becomes upright.

Is there something wrong with the DWG file to begin with?
Do I need to do some sort of cleanup in AutoCAD before opening it in Rhino?
Is there a way to select/sort out which ones are being affected?
Is there a setting I don’t know about?

Your help is greatly appreciated!

Hi Trumon -

Please post a simple DWG file that we can troubleshoot.

Hi Wim,

Sorry about that, I should have attached these sooner. I’m curious because coming back to this project, I can’t recreate the problem anymore. I wonder if there’s something wrong with my graphic settings or my computer.

Regardless, I’ve attached the survey.dwg and the rhino file, wondering if anyone else sees the same issue as me.


SURVEY.dwg (5.5 MB)