URGENT NEED- rhino to autocad TEXT issue

I am trying to export a .dwg or .dxf from rhino to autocad and everything comes in fine but the text is backwards.

Please help ! :innocent: @pascal

and upside down, been messing with cplane but it doesn’t make sense to me

You may use BoxEdit for all of those texts at once.
Make negative scale factor “-1” in axis needed.
Make sure you have Independent edit mode. And around Center points.
You may also explode text (temporary) to have an idea how they will be oriented like in AutoCAD.

Hello- how is this set for the annotation style you are using?


Yes I have that checked. still doing it

Uncheck it and then you will see that your texts are actually backwards in Rhino as well. Fix those and then re-export…

no they are not backwards when unchecked. :confused:

not sure what you mean, can you provide step by step instructions

Hi @zale_orcid .

  1. Run BoxEdit command.

  2. Select all the texts you need to edit.

How to check real orientation of the Text object

To check them just Explode texts and you’ll see the real orientation. Then Undo to go back to Text objects, not curves.
Before Explode

After - real orientation of text (same view here)

  1. Play with parameters of BoxEdit dialog to get result you need.
    It’s possible to edit many objects at one shot.
    Make sure Individual transform is checked.

Great, thanks @Screamer - I’ll look into this when I have a chance and will report back… I swear there’s something wrong with my rhino — but I’ll look at this and report back