User String Goes down issue when exporting from Rhino

I am working on Autocad → Rhino → Autocad workflow.
I found that the location of the block text attributes are not in the same location after I export dwg from Rhino.
I would like to ask if someone have tackled this before?

When I import this to Rhino,
I know ‘####’ comes from null-value text attribute.

When I export this file as .dwg using default sheme.

You can notice that the alignment changed - Text goes down.

I did some tests.

If I open the .dwg file in Rhino, and export once again.

I would like to ask how do I tackle this issue.
I am currently use Rhino7, and autocad 2021(also checked in 2023 same thing)


ExportTwiceDwg.dwg (28.3 KB)
ExportFromRhino.dwg (28.3 KB)

TestUserString.3dm (34.0 KB)

Hi Jim - I do not know if this is it - getting text and formatting to correspond in two apps is a challenge but in your example the two texts in the block are not perfectly aligned - the discrpancy is not what you how in Autocad but worth a look perhaps.

It almost looks like the Autocad version is using center aligned text


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