Swap the MMButton - RMbutton

I just found a solution for the option to swap the Left and Middle Mouse Buttons.

Just need to install Autohotkey and run the below script:

#ifWinActive ahk_exe Rhino.exe

Posted here just in case somebody needs it. I needed this also myself today.

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Uups, works good in the 3D viewport, as espected bun now all the interface is using the MMButton instead of the RMB. Need to find a way to send this script only to the 3D viewport.

I haven’t used AutoHotkey, but maybe look at https://autohotkey.com/docs/commands/WinGet.htm, specifically ControlList or ControlListHwnd for finding out what the viewport control is to limit your hotkey swap to.


I do need to study this a little bit, because all other 3D apps. I’m using are used the swapped mouse behaviour for navigation and when switching to other software I have home accomodation issues.

Also the newcomers (SW user trying to learn Rhino) are a little bit confused because the mouse is working the other way.

It is possible to add by developers an option to swan between the RMB and MMB in interface?

Will be much better and much simpler and hopefully will be implemented also into the MAC version.

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I need to find a way to limit this actions only to “ClassNN: Afx:00007FF” as this seems to be a constant that don’t change.