Surfaces to blend two cylinders

Hi there !
I was wondering if there is a way to blend those three cylinders together?
Like I drew with the 2 red lines
I’d like to make straight surfaces that join cylinders together

Thank’s !

No illustration/file…?

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Cylinder blend.3dm (91.5 KB)

Oups Sorry ! Here’s the file

And here are the screenshots

Hi @juliendelvaux
You already have the pipes cut in half, so just rotate them (so that they are facing each other) and use Loft or BlendSrf (depending on wether you want the surfaces to be tangent or not) to fill in the gaps. Also, not that your edges have been split - that’s why I’m using MergeEdge to “re-join” them.

HTH, Jakob

Niiiice ! Thank you very much Jakob !!

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