Unable to join two split cylindrical surface edges with a third surface

I have not been able to create a surface to join 2 cylinders in Rhino 7. I have listed what I have done so far below.

  1. I have drawn 2 concentric cylinders pointing up on the z axis.
  2. I have unrolled outer cylinder as a rectangle on the XY plane.
  3. I have drawn a polyline on the unrolled cylinder.
  4. I have placed the polyline on the outer cylinder using the flowalongsrf command.
  5. I have projected a copy of the polyline onto the inner cyliner using the Pull command.
  6. I have trimmed the bottom sections of both cylinders using the trim command.
  7. I have moved the polylines to the side of the trimmed cylinder surface.
  8. I have tried joining both cylinders with a smooth surface with the loft command and got a very complex resulting surface between the cylinders.
  9. I have tried joining both polylines with a smooth surface with the loft command and got a very complex resulting surface between the plines.

Can someone help? I can send the file that I have been working on but don’t know how.

please attach file-


240215 join 2 surfaces or polylines with new surface.3dm (208.7 KB)

try using blendsrf with it set to position, you can add internal shapes as needed to get an acceptable flow.

240215 join 2 surfaces or polylines with new surface_kfix.3dm (362.2 KB)

Thanks very much Kyle.

Roland Dove

welcome back, and happy modeling!

Hello- I would OffsetSrf the outer surface inward by the width of the gap, assuming that is constant - 0.31
