I need to blend three surfaces together and since there are all not planar i am having some difficulties doing this.Can someone suggest an easy way 1.3dm (91.6 KB)
to do this?i am having difficulties understanding how you intend to blend.
edit: so i went ahead and cheekily guessed even though it does not make sense since you either have to trim one side of the window like shapes and decide which side to blend or you give that middle surface a thickness that blending to both sides makes sense. and also what happens at each ending of the vertical surface, a lot of design questions here making this rather impossible to answer to your needs.
anyway if you use FilletSrf
with a low radius you can blend left and right. obviously you could blend the left part with a wider blend, just be aware that blending naturally only works as long as the radius does not exceed the surface.
sorry, but i still dont get your intentions. i know just as much as before
maybe its my tooth which is killing me today, could you make a complete sketch?
Sorry for the late reply. I tried but i dont if this will do any better

ok now we are getting somewhere, when you fill in the missing curves marked orange, you will find that Patch
might give you an adequate beginning.
That worked like a charm!!! Thanks alot