According to the Pushing Points Topology Workbook, Spin Edge or Rotate Edge is an expected tool for polygon/subd modelling. So, I decided to roll my own.
Current Limitations:
Nothing to support triangles or ngons yet
Some face cases that don’t appear to work. This is probably due to the simplistic nature of the script and logic I’ve employed, which is rather heavy handed This can be seen in the gif, might be something about topological vertices
Not supported for meshes, just subds so far
Any creasing information will be lost as I convert from subd > mesh > subd
Where vertices in a mesh lie in a straightline, during the subd conversion these points are removed? See below. On the left, converted to subd after moving the inline vert out a little bit. Is this by design?
Thanks Kyle. Just for my own satisfaction, it would be interesting to hear if my logic worked out! Also regarding the bug of the mesh having edges that line up, when converted to subD these points evaporate.
Pretty much happy to just contribute the code I’ve made to the community to use. Not sure who deals with SubD though.