Spaceing / margin openNest

Hi All!
I have a question to spaceing. If I set it to 3 mm , the object have it relavitve to each other this 3mm but the nested sheet have 1 or 2 mm from its border to the first object.
How can I set the Margin? Thnx!!

I think at the moment you’ll have to Offset the sheets.

Hey! Thnk you for the answer!
you mean to bake the opennest and make the baked curve offset?

I mean, instead of giving OpenNest the sheet rectangle you give OpenNest the offseted Sheet Rectangle

opennest (9.9 KB)

cool. And how to give the spacing value to opennest? Now it is set to 3mm and the result is 3 between objects which is correct and 2mm to Y border and 1mm from X border. can I set to 0 the border !?

See my previous message, I added the script.
When using Spacing OpenNest offset each shape with a value of Spacing/2.

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Super nice. thenk you! Let me study! I am new in GH :slight_smile: