Silhouette for Viewport Displays?

Is there any (scripted) way to make the Silhouette of an object visible, without extracting it with Silhouette command? So each time I turn an object I see the silhouette lines adapting in real time.

much like blender’s orange silhouette when an object is selected:

Thank you!

Pen mode does this (and other technical display modes can do this). Here with modified silhouette color:

yes, it looks good but aparently there’s no way to SetObjectDisplayMode to Pen while the Viewport Display is set to someting else such as Arctic.

Technical and ‘normal’ display modes are not fully compatible AFAIK.
Technical, Pen, Artistic, Monochrome belong to the same group.

But is there any way to switch on and off this Silhouette no matter the display mode?
I guess it has to be something in the RhinoCommon, but I don’t know.

Oh, and by the way there are differences between what Pen does and what Silhouette does.

Here’s an example, on an open polysurface.

Pen Display mode shows the middle edges:

Silhouette extracts only the perimeter edges: