I’ve forgotten, is there a setting to show the silhouette in rendered viewport (not only surface edges) in Rhino 8?
I’ve forgotten, is there a setting to show the silhouette in rendered viewport (not only surface edges) in Rhino 8?
nope not that i could see, only arctic, pen etc have this option. what you could do instead is to set the viewport to pen (maybe activating shadows) and everything else to rendered via SetObjectDisplayMode. you may be able to replicate your kind of look.
setting one desired object that should show the silhouette is unfortunately not possible because it does now show the silhouette, so the other way around is your only chance.
hmm on further testing the silhouette unfortuntely also shows on the objects set to rendered, i guess its a bug? @nathanletwory not sure if that is your turf can you confirm?
Not my turf, more @DavidEranen or @jeff
Hi Michael -
Rendering silhouettes is a feature of the technical display modes. Technical display modes and regular display modes do not mix.
if there would be a way to eradicate these limitations i would be all for it myself. its quite confusing to have some display modes exhibiting some functions while others not. maybe in v9?
I cooked up a display style that renders the outline on top of Bella’s IPR:
RenderOutline.ini (14.1 KB)
I realize this might not be what you are looking for but I’ve attached a true silhouette viewmode. I use this mode to ascertain the silhouettes of my models so perhaps might be useful to others. It’s more of an inspection mode to make sure your silhouettes are ok not a modeling mode
RMSilhouette.ini (12.8 KB)