Hi there
Is there a shortcut for the alignment of a wall? i.e. Left, Right or Center
Hi there
Is there a shortcut for the alignment of a wall? i.e. Left, Right or Center
@rheinason no, there isn’t. You can only change these parameters from the wall insert dialog, while you are creating it, or from the properties panel after inserting it.
Having a shortcut for that would be incredibly useful for me. Often I’m unsure which direction I’ll be going and being able to change it super quickly on the fly would be great.
I’ve been thinking about what the best “Shortcut” approach would be and I quite like the idea of placing it here in the command line:
You could make it read: (FromCurves, WallAlignment=Center) :
That way one could make their own shortcuts with Macros, as is the Rhino way.
Hope you don’t mind this question about walls being here as well, is there an effective method for selecting the path of walls? This would be especially useful when creating slabs and so on. Also a DupEdge function on walls or VA objects in general would be great.
I wish this menu would include the levels in the document, that would make it much more dynamic to edit floor to ceiling heights.
This is actually how it used to work before. We will consider recovering the insert options in the command line. I’ll let you know when it’s done.
You can extract the path of a wall with the vaWallExtractPath command (it’s a new feature of the last 2.0.17 version). You can also change it with the vaWallSetPath command, or from the Curve icon in the Properties panel:
The DupEdge command doesn’t work on VA objects for the same reason it doesn’t work either directly on Rhino blocks. We should develop a specific command for that function (i.e “vaDupEdge”). As a workaround you can duplicate the VA object, explode it and apply the DupEdge command on the resulting polysurface. Take a look at this tip: http://www.visualarq.com/support/tips/can-i-extract-the-faces-or-edges-of-visualarq-objects/
This is already planned for future VisualARQ versions. I add your vote for it.
Any conclusion to this request?
@rheinason this is in the wishlist, planned for a future version, but I can’t tell yet when we will implement it. I’ll keep you posted if there are any news on this feature.
Roi, the DupEdge command is already working on VisualARQ objects. The only problem is that the edges selected don’t highlight, but we will improve this in future versions.
Woah! That’s pretty cool, I’ve always just dismissed that because they didn’t highlight-
It doesn’t work on plan or section views though which is too bad, I always end up redrawing the windows to create hatches on the walls. Some sort of dupedge(and hide lines) functionality would be fantastic for especially elevations, where I like hiding the roof line and adding a flashing instead, something which is super cumbersome to do in 3D if using the wall extend functionality. But this might be solved easily when Roof-Wall jointing becomes available?
Hi Roi,
Yes, this would be handy. Although there are different workarounds to create that line.
In case
You can draw a white solid hatch to “hide” that line.
Please tell me more.
I was just thinking in manual methods to draw that line (line, polyline offset commands, etc…)
This is one of my new favorites methods of getting slab boundaries fast:
Super simple macro:
_Curveboolean d a a
Warning: This might be very slow(and may cause crashes) for large selections and for complicated wall sections.
Coming from Revit and ArchiCAD I also miss a shortcut for this, it would increase the workflow greatly.
In Revit you just hit the space bar to flip the wall which I find very handy. I have forgotten how you do it in Archicad sine it was a while since I used it, but it might have been the P key.
Hope that you can implement this with the next upgrade. I am right now evaluating Rhino 7 and VisualARQ and So far that is the only negative thing I have found with the program.
Great walkthrough of the program with Villa Savoye BTW!
Hi @jonascarlsson80 thanks for your comments. I agree that a shortcut key to change the VA objects alignment would be very useful. I add your vote to this feature.
I’m glad you like the Villa Savoye Tutorial!
This implemented yet?
Hi Sven, not yet. But we could work on a command for VisualARQ 2.13 that changes the wall alignment. Would that work for you?
Yes please. That would speed things up immensly.
I vote for this function too, and I would like two more functions:
1.-to be able to copy the properties of the style with its respective profile (width and height)
2.- create walls from hatch because there are external 2D that the walls have a hatch and to be able to execute them quickly making the 3D
Hi Miguel,
Are you asking for a “Match properties” command for VisualARQ objects? regarding the “respective profile (width and height)”, are you meaning walls or openings? In the case of the openings, there could be a command that makes a window take the same profile dimensions as another. In the case of walls, this command could just take the same height and style as another wall, so it would take the same thickness.
Walls require a path curve to be created. If you have a hatch as the generation data, there could be an automation by which the boundary of a hatch is extruded by a certain height, but you would still need to define a path curve for each hatch.