Shift key in Rhino6

I upgraded Rhino5 to Rhino6 recently. But Rhino6 does not work likely Rhino5, when push shift key for vertex edit.
How should it be operated?

Thank you.

Not sure I understand what the problem is, Shift works in V6 just like in V5 - if Ortho is disabled in the Status bar, it enables it while the Shift key is held down, or, if Ortho is enabled in the status bar, it disables it while the key is held down.

i guess you are searching for smart track, you seem to have it disabled in your rhino 6. otherwise there is no option to set an orthogonal alignment from a new spot like that… well also not fully accurate you could use the option along line for example.

Thank you everyone!

I was able to it in RhinoV6.
And “Snap Radius” is severer than my RhinoV5 settings.
So I Changed “Snap Radius” 15px→30px. It became more easier enable “Orbit Mode”.