Say you’re moving an object and you’d like to use shift for temporary ortho mode… (after the first click for ‘move from’ point)
Should pressing the key make rhino ignore osnaps? i feel like if i want to press the shift key, it means i don’t want an end snap in any circumstance… i’m only looking for that 90º direction… so it seems rhino could recognize that and not give other snap points.
if you want the second click to be on an osnap then you’d press tab on the desired ortho direction, let go of shift, then snap as normal.
sort of a request but also just wondering if there’s a reason for the behavior that i’m not seeing.
Greetings, Jeff, Pascal
Sorry for offtopic, but I have one little question about “shift” key too (shift+alt actually)
It seems that it is not possible to rotate view around the axis, perpendicular to view plane with trackpad.
It works well with mouse or tablet, but it just zooms with MBP’s trackpad. I don’t know, maybe it’s on my machine only (I have better touch tools installed).
Could you check it on your mac, please?
Alt key in combo with shift does do what looking for… I use Alt fairly often in other circumstances to suppress osnaps but for whatever reason, haven’t thought to try it when using shift for ortho… it’s a bit of finger gymnastics to then hit the Tab key for locking to the ortho direction but i think i can get used to it.
it’s a little awkward but i think you have to use two fingers to click (and hold) the trackpad then, along with shift&Alt, move your fingers while the click is still engaged in order to tilt the view in a similar manner as you would with a mouse & shift/option.