It used to be when I clicked and held on/near a corner point there’s be an indication I’d selected said point and then I could relocate the object via said point to for instance 0/0/0 on my grid. that no longer happens and I’m wondering if I have to activate some feature in the settings to get this behavior. I don’t recall doing that before.
Are your object snaps enabled?
If I’m understanding you, my V7 and V8 are acting the same.
I have Osnaps enabled and End checked.
I’ve drawn a rectangle, then with no command running, I click and hold on a corner of the rectangle. It highlights, and corners show points, and a moment later the End osnap indicator displays near the cursor.
What are you seeing that is different than that?
I’m sorry John and I appreciate your help very much. I realized there was a secondary o snap menu to call up while I was clicking around.
I was wondering why if the RMB calls up a menu why can’t it be user customized or added to like other menus or toolbars?
I do not know. I’m not involved in that part of the development effort.
I do know the Mac Rhino right-click and context menu have been receiving a lot of attention in these early service releases.
I can’t find the tool I used to use. It displayed as extrude face.
I try to use extrude surface but it creates another object.
Trying to type in the command doesn’t work
What Rhino version is that, and where can that tool be found?