Selecting objects in detail view and hidden view mode

Thanks Alfonso. But it’s not the selection colour I’d like to change. It’s the display colour of the background of an active detail in Hidden View mode - from white to something of a more neutral luminance. But I’d like the detail to print its background in the way it currently does.

Hi @djhg,

I don’t understand your problem, or more specifically, why there is a problem only with the “Hidden” display mode. You can change both the background color (in the Display mode options) and the selection color work (in the Appearance options). If you don’t like yellow selection color on a white background, then you can change them.

What is not supported by Rhino is to change the background color for a display mode only when it is an active detail.

In my opinion, yellow is not a suitable selection color. I always change it to blue, like Windows and all major operating systems use. I find it more consistent to me that layer selection in the layers panel and object selection in the viewport use the same color. But again, this is just my personal preference.


Thanks Enric

Because it’s the only View Mode I use regularly that has a background which turns to white from grey when a detail is active.

If I do change it to - say - a blue grey, can I set it to print as a) white or b) alpha though it displays blue grey in an active detail?

Hi @djhg,

Rhino doesn’t use the background color for printing for any display mode, unless you turn on this setting (which by default is off):


Thanks Enric. Great. I’ll actually change the background to a blue grey and keep the seleciton colour at yellow. I’m used to that from AutoCad and all the way back to Imagine on the Amiga.

From my post a few posts earlier:

I’ve created a new post for this, because I can’t reproduce it in a hidden display mode detail, but I can in a wireframe view mode:

Hi @djhg, we have just released a new version of VisualARQ (2.12.5) which fixes this error you reported about selecting objects in a detail view if PrintDisplay is on with the “Hidden” display mode.

You can check here the news of the new version: VisualARQ 2 - Version 2.12.5 released

You can download this new version here .


Bravo! Thankyou.

However, it takes so long for an object to show as selected that I’d forgotten this problem had been corrected. (I’ve got the fastest processor available for a laptop as of Christmas.) Actually that’s just some of the time. A lot of the time it doesn’t work at all. I don’t think the problem is fixed. At least not for the type of projects I do. I know it would be good to upload one to you, but I’m afraid that’s just not as possible as it’s required for this troubleshooting. It’s difficult to imagine that it works for the dev team but seldom for me.

Hi @djhg we have tried to reproduce this situation with different models and it works fine in all of them. Please share any file where we can reproduce this issue.