Selection problem in Hidden View

Selecting in hidden view mode remains a problem. It comes and goes. It never works if in print display, that’s a known bug, but often doesn’t work with print display off. I’ve verified that, but so far I ihaven’t been able to duplicate if for gif. One of these days.

Hello @djhg,

I have been testing it now with print display on and off and it is working fine for me. Please, send us information once you are able to reproduce it to find a solution.

Right after selection hadn’t worked and I invoked the gif recorder, I was to create this gif, which shows at least a substantial lag, and that the dashed selection rectangle doesn’t display.
Selelction Challenges in HIdden View

Hi @djhg,

Please, could you send us your file? I’ll try to reproduce it in my PC.

Thanks Alfonso.
I have emailed it to
It’s rare that a file is small enough that I can simply send it without zipping an uploading and linking (usually not time for that in my hectic workday) but this time it’s a 22MB file.

This problem has recurred often this week. The lasso doesn’t display in any direction of rectangular lasso, clicking on a line doesn’t select it. Occasionally the command liine indicates that a selection has taken place, but no objects display (highlight). The gif shows this, and how it is working in WIreframe view. There are not section of level cuts active in this top view.
Selection Inoperative in HIdden View

Hi David,
I can’t reproduce this error. Are you using VisualARQ 2.13.2?
Can you share the file of the gif?

I am using 2.13.2. I’ll upload the file, but the issue comes and goes and it may take a while to show up.