I have recently transitioned from years of make2D exported into other software, to finally rhino layouts with titlesheets. Loving the transition and efficiency! Great features from my few days of layout use.
I am however encountering a fundamental problem with vector printing, which renders it unusable for my work.
The section hatch function works fantastic in the model, and printing to raster output, however printing to vector output the hatch is not solid i.e Internal lines are visible through the section.
See images below. I found a previous post on this relating to VisualARQ, and in that thread someone advised to post this issue in the Rhino forum… so here I am!
Hopefully there is a way of resolving this.
Thanks for this file.
This is an issue with the depth testing of the algorithm. We have this on the list but I added this as a new sample → RH-84208 Print: Vector: Clipped object appear open
For the time being, you can resolve this by making sure there is enough clearance between objects:
Sadly introducing the slight tolerance wouldn’t work in my case, where I am looking to get a full drawing set from a single model. This would mess up the sections and vice versa.
For me the short term work-around will be using raster output, which for many circumstances is acceptable, and revert to my original workflow of make 2d / clean up, when I need vector drawings.
I am quite new to the Rhino forums, what’s a rough general timeline for resolution of bugs like this?
Thanks again for reply and for all the work on new updates, excited to be engaging in the forums !
I’m afraid that’s impossible to say. Some issues get fixed within weeks, others are on the list for years. The developer checked the related RH-82145 and put that on the Future list, and, from the comment, it looks like this will take a deeper rewrite of at least some of the code…