Seamless partition wall screen robotic 3d printing

Hey folks! hope yall are having a wonderful day! i wanted to ask about this beautiful screen i found on pinterest. i tried making it manually but im not getting nice results through sub-D. is there a way to model it through Grasshopper? (without voronoi method)

Hmm, just throwing in some ideas. Depends a bit on how much control you need for the end result. You could give tOpos plugin a try for an “Organic” look, but I can imagine will take the same amount of time if not longer to properly set up than trying it with sub-d. Maybe with Kangaroo some rough input mesh + anchors + pressure component and smoothing the result in the end.

So I guess if I would need to use GH I’d try it with tOpos for generating the base and then modify the result to my liking.

Or just sub-d :slight_smile:

thanks alot for the reply felix! I am trying to create a product line and prototyping is a pain when doing through SUB-D as it just takes too much time. hence by grasshopper i was hopping to automate the process to some extent. i will try the tOpos Plugin!

If it worked it would be interesting to see the result!

The SubD Pipe command in GH creates some nice organic and smooth shapes from a simple polyline, might be worth trying it out.

looks like it was designed in Rhino+gh indeed (4 years ago)

it’s beautiful, I don’t want it in my home but it’s beautiful :upside_down_face:

[edit] minute 0:28 ahh remember those times when you could still align text in Param Viewer by zooming in… they are gonna make me cry

[edit] in this other video (from 5 years ago) is shown an earlier version of that project -maybe a bit too wide scoped imho-

that one was designed using an agent-based system (something like Boids + Dendro to give you an idea)


Cool thanks for sharing the video! Seam like indeed they used some topology optimization there. But i could be wrong.