Hi @theoutside and the rest of the McNeel brain trust
Running latest WIP in Windows 10 - sysinfo at the bottom.
OK, so here’s a play-by-play of what I’m seeing:
-Draw a curve and select it to turn on the control points.
-Select some of the control points.
-Click the scale handle, enter 0 in the text field and press Enter to complete the command
Two things happen: a) The prompt says “Unable to transform 1 object.” (no matter how many control points are selected) and a yellow, hightlighted preview of what the curve was supposed to look like (along with the control points in their right location) is shown along with the (unselected) original curve.
As soon as I click away from the curve, the highlighted (correct) curve and control points go away, and I’m back to the original curve.
Using the scale handle manually works. Using the “text field and entering 0”-method on the entire curve, instead of just control points, works as well. It also works on mesh and Sub-D faces but not if I turn on the control points and select them instead. Any thoughts/ideas?
Works as expected (and as it has done for years) in V7.
Rhino 8 SR0 2023-4-18 (Rhino WIP, 8.0.23108.14305, Git hash:master @ be7db2f4e3d7f64e6403bf46a8f308c540e8e2f5)
License type: Commercial, build 2023-04-18
License details: Cloud Zoo
Expires on: 2023-06-02
Windows 10 (10.0.19045 SR0.0) or greater (Physical RAM: 95Gb)
Computer platform: DESKTOP
Standard graphics configuration.
Primary display and OpenGL: NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 (NVidia) Memory: 8GB, Driver date: 3-28-2023 (M-D-Y). OpenGL Ver: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 528.89
> Accelerated graphics device with 4 adapter port(s)
- Windows Main Display attached to adapter port #0
- Secondary monitor attached to adapter port #1
OpenGL Settings
Safe mode: Off
Use accelerated hardware modes: On
Redraw scene when viewports are exposed: On
Graphics level being used: OpenGL 4.6 (primary GPU’s maximum)
Anti-alias mode: 4x
Mip Map Filtering: Linear
Anisotropic Filtering Mode: High
Vendor Name: NVIDIA Corporation
Render version: 4.6
Shading Language: 4.60 NVIDIA
Driver Date: 3-28-2023
Driver Version:
Maximum Texture size: 32768 x 32768
Z-Buffer depth: 24 bits
Maximum Viewport size: 32768 x 32768
Total Video Memory: 8 GB
Rhino plugins that do not ship with Rhino
C:\Users\jn\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\packages\8.0\IntelDenoiser\0.6.7\IntelDenoiser.Windows.rhp “IntelDenoiser.Windows”
Rhino plugins that ship with Rhino
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8 WIP\Plug-ins\Commands.rhp “Commands” 8.0.23108.14305
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8 WIP\Plug-ins\rdk.rhp “Renderer Development Kit”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8 WIP\Plug-ins\RhinoScript.rhp “RhinoScript”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8 WIP\Plug-ins\RhinoRenderCycles.rhp “Rhino Render” 8.0.23108.14305
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8 WIP\Plug-ins\rdk_etoui.rhp “RDK_EtoUI” 8.0.23108.14305
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8 WIP\Plug-ins\rdk_ui.rhp “Renderer Development Kit UI”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8 WIP\Plug-ins\NamedSnapshots.rhp “Snapshots”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8 WIP\Plug-ins\RhinoCycles.rhp “RhinoCycles” 8.0.23108.14305
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8 WIP\Plug-ins\RhinoCode\RhinoRoslyn.rhp “RhinoRoslyn” 8.0.23108.14305
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8 WIP\Plug-ins\RhinoCode\RhinoCodePlugin.rhp “RhinoCodePlugin” 8.0.23108.14305
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8 WIP\Plug-ins\RhinoCode\RhinoCPython.rhp “RhinoCPython” 8.0.23108.14305
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8 WIP\Plug-ins\Toolbars\Toolbars.rhp “Toolbars” 8.0.23108.14305
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8 WIP\Plug-ins\Displacement.rhp “Displacement”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8 WIP\Plug-ins\ConstraintsUI.rhp “Constraints UI” 8.0.23108.14305
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8 WIP\Plug-ins\SectionTools.rhp “SectionTools”
Thanks in advance, Jakob