how can i change the location line where Rhino creates Room geometry? I have seen this post but it is a custom node. Did this node make into final version?
Great to hear more Spatial Elements components are coming @kike.
One thing I realize when using Room primitive, Room Area/Volume computations are set as Wall Center by default. I am sure you’ll add more details in the future. Below floor’s boundary is set using Room-Surface combination.
I have started using latest spatial nodes. I think it would be great to receive Element Boundary as Polyline Curve instead of Line-like curve. Maybe making it optional would make things a lot easier. Otherwise I’ll have to spend some time to make branch structure correct for Element Creation nodes (Add Floor, Add Ceiling etc.).
@kike and @Japhy where is that component? sorry, I was out for a while I must have missed these updates.
I also have one question about the brep manifold join, is that still being developed? the concept of having almost coplanar boundaries be pulled towards each other is great to have. I know Pollination tries to do something similar but you have to manually do some tweaking after when there are bad rooms. Extracting (15.4 KB)