I’ve looked through some topics here to see if the is a node to create rooms and room boundaries based on Rhino curves but it seems that it’s a future feature. Is there an ETA for it? In the meantime, I’d be happy to see if anyone have come up with workarounds.
I created a Python component for adding room by point and level. also @msgambelluri shared a c# script in the below thread.
Add Room.ghuser (6.1 KB)
This is great, thank you! Do you know if there is a solution to create room boundary lines?
if you are talking about getting boundary lines of rooms, then @eirannejad have shared a Python component for that.
I also have a user object to get Room Boundary.
I’m after a node that would generate room boundary lines based on Rhino curves. The node you sent earlier is helpful to place rooms but they are currently not bound. As a temporary solution I will create thin walls based on the given Rhino curves but it’s not ideal…
Here’s a GHPython script to create New Room Boundary Lines from Rhino Curves.
CreateNewRoomBoundaries.gh (14.4 KB)
Oh, ok. I also created a custom python component for room separation lines.
Add Room Separation Line_1.ghuser (4.4 KB)
To answer your next question
I think this would be fine if you just feed the center points of the RhinoCurves to Add Room, i did it this way to ensure they were created.
You can create boundaries then add the room point, or add the rooms by point (with a error) then add the boundaries after.
CreateNewRoomBoundariesAndRooms.gh (17.1 KB)
Thank you both, worked like a charm.
Thank you, Japhy
With latest daily build, Add Room and Add Room Separation components are added.