Thank you, @asisintel for bringing this to my attention. We have tried to fix this issue on our end but we need some help from the McNeel team to figure out what is exactly the cause of the issue.
Any update @Japhy on this issue?
No update on the github issue, i’ll see what the holdup is.
Hi @Japhy . This issue is really frustrating now in our workflow. Do we expect a solution?
Hi, I did bring it to the dev’s attention. They prioritize from there, so i can’t make any promises when it will be resolved.
Hi @Japhy . Do we have any update to this
No update on the youtrack, but fairly sure i’ve seen this working.
What is your About info? Pollination/Ladybug versions would be helpful as well. I can reach out to Mostapha to verify compatibilities. Thanks
Just a workaround if anyone faces this issue. If we move the CS and Pollination .addin files inside program data to another custom folder and then open Revit, RIR works perfectly fine. Issues are seen when these addins are loaded on Revit ribbon.(Here uninstalling of plugins not required. Only need to shift the .addin files to correct location inside Revit folder when needed)
Hi @Japhy @Mostapha . I installed today the latest version of Pollination Revit and i am still having issues with the rhino screen tabs missing. If I drag the tabs it disappears and If I shift the rhino.pollination.addin to a different location just to avoid loading pollination plugin in Revit UI, before starting Revit, RIR works perfectly fine. Kindly check!