I opened up Rhino.Inside.Revit today after a couple months away. After updating Rhino (7.8.21196), RIR (0.9.7874), and Revit (2020.2.4) and opening RIR, all of the plugin toolbars are missing including the Revit toolbar. I’ve restarted several times, repaired the RIR installation several times, etc. I’ve opened up GH in regular Rhino and everything is fine (no missing toolbars). Any ideas how to get RIR back working?
See screenshots below.
Attached are my Rhino System Info and the Command History from within RIR. There were no load exceptions, so I don’t think the known issue you linked applies to this problem. It is strange that there were no errors in loading the GH plugins since the tabs for them are not appearing. So something else is blocking the tabs’ visibility. RhinoGrasshopperCommandHistory.txt (8.2 KB) RhinoSystemInfo.txt (2.9 KB)
The mystery deepens: I just double-clicked on the GH canvas in RIR and was surprised to see that I could access some of the missing components via search despite none of their toolbars showing up. However, only certain search letters work. For example, if I type any of the following letters as the first search letter, I get a red X box: B, C, H, L, M, S, U, V, W, Y, Z. This has got to be one of the strangest bugs. So as long as I only use components that start with other letters, things work!
SOLVED! For some reason I had a Compas_fab python file in my GH Library. Once I removed that, everything is working. It’s been in there for at least 4 months and RIR was working fine (and regular Rhino/Grasshopper was working fine too). So something about one of the latest updates to RIR really doesn’t like python files in the library folder. If I close Revit and put the python file back in the GH Libraries directory and try to load RIR again, Revit completely crashes so I can’t even repeat the initial missing toolbar problem.
Hi there, I’m getting this same issue - missing tabs, red X search box and all! I don’t have any python files in my GH library. Could something else be interfering? My program info is pasted below & I have Rhino 7 SR 15. I’m only running Revit 2019 so I don’t think the known issue applies either. I’ve also included a snippet of my GH library. The Fennec plugin is made up of ghpy files but I tried removing it from the library and it didn’t fix the issue. Thanks!
Oops, i was thinking you were commenting on a different thread. Can you move you GH plugins & user objects to temp folders and see if thing come up properly? Thanks