Rhino v6 bump map material is distorting the display mode of my model

So I decided to open a model I am currently working on v6 and one of the materials has a bump layer to it. All the objects with the bump layer get pixelated or distorted, so I unchecked the bump map and the texture looks fine on the display mode. Keep in mind rendering the material works fine with the bump. Is just the display mode when using bumps.

Any ideas?

See pics

If this happens with the same material on a simple box it would help if you attached that to your post.


p.s. changed category to Serengeti

see pics attached

Nathan asks for a 3dm file with a simple box with that material - not just these screenshots.
Which display mode are you using when it gets pixelated?

Is this perhaps an object that is very far from the origin?

rhino bump problem.3dm (1.1 MB)

I am using rendered display mode or any custom display mode where is rendered material selected.

Object is at the origin

Thanks, I see it happening with this specific bump map, too.

Reported as RH-43099. FWIW Raytraced mode shows it just fine.